How we work

Our offices

We deliver our programmes online from our UK office and in-person through our country offices and partnerships.

We have offices in Honduras, Uganda and South Africa, with teams delivering our programmes directly to low-income schools and communities. We deliver our programmes through local partners in these countries as well as in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Paraguay, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique, and India.

Our partnerships

Local partnerships are at the core of our work. We believe that transforming the future of young people and improving the education sector is achieved through the exchange of expertise and knowledge between organisations.

We know that for our model to provide a sustainable platform for education to a large number of young people in the long run, the public education system around the world is a key aspect. We have been growing our relationship with government officials and the Ministries of Education in 6 countries.

"Teach A Man To Fish's educational resources and guidance are supporting students to develop entrepreneurship and problem-solving skills. This organisation has come to support us in Honduras so that we can solve the great challenge of youth unemployment." - Emilio López from the Honduran Ministry of Education


Working with Educators

We put educators at the centre of the delivery of our programmes, as enablers and catalysers for child and youth learning. We train teachers and youth group facilitators, building their capacity in practical entrepreneurship education and on how to guide young people in the planning and setting up of a youth-led business.

Since 2019, we have been measuring how our programmes impact educators who are involved in them, and found that they reached high scores in key competencies and skills:

Ntambara Steven, the lead teacher at Martyr’s Secondary School in Rwanda, explains that through the School Enterprise Challenge, "You get to work with the students in a different way. It's much more practical. Now I bring examples of business to my lessons. I think the students like feeling like there is a real life application to what we are learning."

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy

Teach A Man To Fish believes that everybody working to broaden access to education and to reduce poverty needs to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all persons involved in their programmes, but particularly children, young people and vulnerable adults.

Safeguarding and child protection is crucial to ensuring that children under 18 years of age, young people and vulnerable adults have the rights, confidence and environment in which they can make choices, express their views and communicate effectively with other children and adults.


Incident Report Form

If you have knowledge of an incident that has occurred that is against the Code of Conduct in the Teach A Man To Fish Child Protection Policy, or are concerned that a child’s safety might be in danger, please fill this form:


Risk Report Form

If you need to raise a concern, where you feel participants are being put at significant risk because of the way a situation, issue or event is being handled by Teach A Man To Fish or a partner, please fill in this form:


If in doubt about which form to use, please contact the Child Protection & Safeguarding Officer Alejandra Soleno:

Whistleblowing Policy

Teach A Man To Fish has a zero tolerance approach to any form of inappropriate behaviours, bribery, corruption and fraud amongst our staff, partners, volunteers or anyone representing Teach A Man To Fish with the exception of circumstances where someone’s personal safety is at risk.


If you would like to raise any concerns associated with bribery or corruption (whistleblowing) please email